Looking for a last minute deal?

Why not book a last minute getaway, staying in your own holiday home in your ideal location? Next week or just a few days away, don’t wait any longer to book your well-earned holiday.  Interhome has a fantastic selection of last minute deals on a range of self-catering accommodation throughout Europe, as well as some more exotic locations! You can save money with our last minute discounts, with a lot of our properties reduced.

Best last minute experience: Book your flights early, as soon as they come out, to make sure you get the best rates, pick a destination airport that has plenty of opportunities; how about Barcelona? From there, depending on when you book your flights, you could pick up some cheap last minute accommodation to go skiing in Andorra in March, or if sunshine is your thing, then head to the self-catering villas in Spain the Costa Brava or Costa Dorada, same airport, but you just multiplied your options to get a great deal on accommodation by three!

Escape those rainy days and make a quick getaway to sunnier climes in Spain or Florida or have fun in the snow at some of the best ski resorts in Italy, Switzerland, Austria or France.  Book one of the huge selection of last minute self-catering properties at discounted prices and start enjoying the freedom and flexibility of a holiday in an Interhome house, chalet or apartment.

For bookings within 3 days before departure call us at 01483 863500 (24h / 7 days).

Some of our top last minute destinations: Valais| Bernese Oberland | Tyrol | Cote d'Azur | Costa Blanca

Please note: Online bookings are only possible up to 3 days prior to arrival.
For short term bookings please call us: Contact

Last Minute holiday homes in Croatia

Last Minute holiday homes in Italy

Last Minute holiday homes in Austria

Last Minute holiday homes with pool

Last Minute holiday homes by the sea

Last Minute city trips

Last Minute Skiing Holiday

Last Minute - Close to the slopes

Last Minute Chalet